Freedom Fighter, Mural in Los Angeles

When you journey through Los Angeles, you’ll find that the city’s soul is painted on its walls — vibrant murals telling stories of heritage, courage, and solidarity.

Hidden in plain sight within the community of Pacoima is a mural that isn’t just art; it’s a statement of unity and empowerment.

If your travels bring you to Los Angeles and you wish to delve more profoundly than the usual tourist paths, the Freedom Fighter Mural is a profound cultural touchstone you should not overlook.

Street View of the Freedom Fighter Mural in Los Angeles

ArtistKristy Sandoval
Address13161 Van Nuys Blvd., Pacoima, CA 91331
Size12′ X 40′ ft
TypeHistoric Community

Honoring Assata Shakur and the Spirit of Resistance

Regardless of your background or knowledge of civil rights history, the Freedom Fighter Mural is a universal emblem of the ongoing struggle for justice.

Dedicated to the legacy of Assata Shakur, it is a rallying cry for women’s empowerment and a nod to those who have stood defiantly in the face of inequality.

Artistic Alliance in Community

In the dawn of 2013, a group of Chicana artists united with brushes in hand to not only paint a mural but also to ignite a symbol of empowerment in the form of public art.

As you observe the rich colours and compelling imagery, consider the mural’s backdrop — a historic black-and-brown neighbourhood where cultural ties have withstood the tests of time and change.

A Dance of Colors and Nature

The mural is alive with symbolism, from the South African corn lilies that dominate the scene to the red and yellow hues that dance across the petals, representing revolution and a hopeful new day.

It is a deliberate choice, connecting local struggles to a global stage, and reminding visitors of the universal battle against oppression.

Rooted in Generations

This mural has a home on the wall of a barbershop, a community pillar for over 50 years and currently stewarded by a third-generation family.

This detail enriches your visit with a sense of continuity and the enduring heartbeat of local enterprise and fellowship.

Your Visit to the Mural

When planning your visit to the Freedom Fighter Mural, approach to engage fully with its story. It is a place for contemplation, education, and introspection.

Look beyond the mural to the community of Pacoima — talk to the people, savour local dishes, and immerse yourself in events that capture the essence of Los Angeles beyond the silver screen.

Take a Mural Tour in Los Angeles